Bowel Irritable Sourcebook Syndrome - IBS Now Most Reported Gastrointestinal Disorder

Bowel Irritable Sourcebook Syndrome

IBS Now Most Reported Gastrointestinal Disorder

Bowel Irritable Sourcebook Syndrome - IBS Now Most Reported Gastrointestinal Disorder

Are researchers treating IBS in a manner fitting the most reported gastrointestinal disorder, or is it taking a back seat while other maladies that have clinical validity get research funding? Where does the rubber meat the road? What is "clinical validity? As defined by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) clinical validity is a measurement of the accuracy with which a test or tool identifies or predicts a clinical condition. So does that mean because doctors and scientists can't identify what cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome, nor can they predict it in any measure, nor can they find any tool or test by which to measure it, does this mean that IBS has no clinical Validity?

With no way to gauge results or even speculate on upcoming possibilities, the next big news "the wrong way and the right way to soothe irritable bowel syndrome probably wont be until a some drug company takes a new wonder drug out of clinical trials and gets FDA approval to bring it to market leaving us all to wonder if any simpler, less lucrative measures of treating Ibs have been passed over in pursuit of capital gain.

An anonymous source inside a facility that conducts Irritable bowel syndrome treatment characterized the research by saying that it falls into a gray area of scientific study. Because the research lacks moral urgency, meaning the disease isn't killing people, or putting people in the hospital for long terms, it has the potential to be one of the best commercially viable research endeavourers in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Thus most of the information and research data of any value are closely guarded.

For now there may be no easy answers, no magic pill and no set standards for natural treatments for ibs Bowel Syndrome but there is the hope of tomorrow. A fledgling website has been fostered by a few concerned contributors feeling the need of bringing to IBS sufferers the best information available on the subject. Its contributors, suffers themselves, give their time and efforts actively seeking out any and all information that has the possibility of giving even the smallest amount of relief for those that struggle how to help teenagers cope with irritable bowel syndrome (ibs). IBS Help Site.low thyroid and ibs infancy, is in hope of helping, with timely information and ideas all focused on the care and treatment of those that have IBS. Someday, the greatest thrill would be the ability to post, in big and bold letters, that a cure for Ibs self help forum. Visit ***** for more Ibs pain location. For articles concerning Irritable Bowel Syndrome please visit ***** But why are the findings of Federally Funded research on Irritable bowel syndrome never made public? Why don't we hear about new developments and how the research is being developed? Why is it no new information of consequence seems to have been released about IBS in over a decade? Is it because all the research has been a "bust"? Is it possible that there are no new findings? Is the scientific community so baffled and befuddled the causes and ways to cure irritable bowel syndrome that no new head way has been made? Not likely, and the answer to those "why" questions might be simply answer with one word "Money".

If a search is made of the available date on Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, what one finds is a repeat of the same information that has been available since the early 90's. 5 ways to fight ibs diarrhea and rehashed in a slightly different manner, but with the same type of results. True there are some new drugs that have been released from clinical trials that are showing less then admirable results.

In mid 2005 the FDA put strong cautions on most of these drugs due to their digestive advantage ibs side effects. Several of the drugs including one that is highly publicized, Zelnorm have new FDA label warnings. The warning refers to what to do if you have ibs and diarrhoea? (including hypovolemia, hypotension, and syncope) that occurred both during clinical trials and during marketed use. None of the new drugs are approved for long term use.

Yet little is heard in the open press about this seemingly devastating disorder, and the term devastating is in reference to its affect on GNP. There have been several sources that have stated that no other "disease" or disorder has had such an impact on the number of work days missed. Hendricks in her article states that "Only the common cold accounts for more sick days". Searching through archives at The National Center for Health Statistics no mention of IBS has could be found in any recent statistical data.

That being said, one might think that a question of ethics needs to be addressed. Is it ethical for research that concerns public health in such a large fashion, to be guarded so closely? Or should the information be shared among research facilities in an attempt to bring about faster and possibly better results, giving a brighter hope of bringing about some type of relief to the millions who suffer? What is more important? For now, it would seem the money is. Now that you have got to reading about Treating Ibs, don't you marvel at how ignorant you were about all the Treating Ibs? This is the main reason for us to write an article on Treating Ibs.

Because of the enormity of the effect that Coping with irratable bowel syndrome(ibs), and the vast number of people who suffer, the amount of potential money to be made could be an astronomical figure should a new development that leads to a cure or to the discovery of an actual cause be found

The National Institutes of Health has two easily accessible documents published. The first, publication No. 03--4686 April 2003, which does little more then give lip service to the disorder, then early this year the institute released a new or what might be called a revised publication No. 06--693 February 2006 with more detail of what the disease is. Most of the facts in the new publication have been known for 10 to 15 years. There are a few extended statements of what is known to not be true about the disease, but not much more.

It seems that the National institute of Health, which is under the National office of Health and Human Services, does indeed initiate large grants to universities and companies to conduct research. The reasons we may not be aware of these research projects might be due to privacy agreements adhered to by the government as well as those entities that apply for the grants to conduct the research. That may also be why these research projects never become media headlines. All the grant hearings and meetings take place behind closed doors. All the information that comes and goes is held in strict adherence to the guidelines as set forth by the Federal Advisory Committee. Their guidelines state that because those that might be involved in the research stand a risk of their private information being made public, grant applications and research project proposals, at least up front are handled behind closed doors. Getting information on specific topics can be quite irritating for some. This is the reason this article was written with as much matter pertaining to Treating Ibs as possible. This is the way we aim to help others in learning about Treating Ibs.

Medicine that treats irritable bowel syndrome has such a devastating affect, why then isn't more information on the research being done treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome available? Great tips to prevent irritable bowel syndrome affects so many people and causes of ibs missed work days, then why isn't there more research being done to find the cause and extrapolate a cure? In actuality there is a large amount of research being done. The reasons for that information not being in the public lime light are probably due to privacy issues set down by the Federal Advisory Committee.

There are a large number of diseases of the bowl and they all have different symptoms, but there is one constant with all of these diseases and that is inflammation of the bowl.

There are ways in which to help yourself and believe it or nervous stomach treatment drugs this disease the most, the medications your physicians give to you all have different side effects that may cause you more complications. People must try a number of different things in order to find some relief from this horrible condition. Medication can work for a short time but offers little help for the long term due to the side effects; Ibs c meds with you for years and once you have it, even if you get better, your chances of reoccurrence are high. Your body has become allergic to some foods or types of foods, or it can be a large number of foods, it is extremely hard to know what to do or how to find the foods causing this condition. There is hope in using traditional herbs and fruits, many people have been turning to these because they have been effective in their long term recovery. A lot of these can be found in your local health food store. The first thing that needs to be done is to increase the level of your good bacteria, acidophilus supplements can aid in the re-introduction of beneficial bacteria. Cat's claw is used to correct problems of imbalance in the small intestine, it helps to normalize beneficial microbes and reverse intestinal dysbiosis. A probiotic is an organism that is referred to as good or friendly bacteria. When they are ingested they help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract. It is rather inviting to go on writing coping with irritable bowel syndrome(ibs). however as there is a limitation to the number of words to be written, we have confined ourselves to this. However, do enjoy yourself reading it.

Finding a way to control your level of stress is absolutely essential for your recovery; maintaining a low level of stress will help keep the disease from re-occurring later because once you have IBS you are always at high risk of it coming back to haunt you; your intestines will always be very sensitive to any unhealthy level of stress. Quite a few people find that Yoga is very calming and relaxing; yoga is designed to relieve stress, and calm the body and mind. There is more than likely a yoga class in your area.

Lets talk about the third important step in your recovery; control of chronic inflammation. It has been proven that free-radicals are involved in every disease and illness out there but it has also been proven that chronic inflammation is also involved in the vast majority of diseases and illness. Scientists are calling chronic inflammation the silent killer. When there is any type of injury, trauma or disease, no matter what the action is, there is a reaction from our body to protect and heal itself - inflammation. We need inflammation in order to heal, its basic function is to make the tiny vessels in our tissue become larger so the white blood cells, that normally don't fit, can now squeeze into these small spaces and begin the healing process. With IBS the inflammation response becomes angry, and instead of helping the body, it turns on itself creating chronic inflammation. Isn't it amazing how much information can be transferred through a single page? So much stands to gain, and to lose about Diarrhea through a single page.

Inflammation starts with the COX 2 enzyme. COX 1 preserves platelet function (needed for blood clotting) and protects the stomach lining. COX 2 causes inflammation and pain. COX 2 has been found in brain and spinal cord tumors as well as in the brains of Alzheimer's patents causing degeneration of the brain tissue from the chronic inflammation. Writing is something that has to be done when one is in the mood to write. So when we got in the mood to write about Ibs, nothing could stop us from writing!

Let's look at juicing; the body has trouble with the hard fibers in most fruits and vegetables due to the inflamed gastrointestinal tract that does roughage help or hinder constipation? properly, juicing actually removes the hard fibers in the necessary foods and still gives you the number two recovery need and that is antioxidants. You must take in a large number of antioxidants every day to fight free-radicals. Free-radicals are molecules or atoms that are missing an electron, antioxidants are elizabethtown college or atoms that have an extra electron. You can not escape from free-radicals and the damage they do, they are in air and water pollution, in the junk foods we eat, and even in the medications we take hence the words "side effects". Free-radicals go around attacking healthy cells in our bodies trying to steal the electron; anti-oxidants will give up their extra electron to a free-radical which in turn stops the attack on healthy cells. Now you can see the importance of taking in a large number of anti-oxidants every day. Most fruits and vegetable have anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 anti-oxidants each, which does not seem like a lot compared to the amount of free-radicals you are taking into your body every single day; about a billion. Vitamins and minerals also contain antioxidants so supplementation ibs support group. You need to do some research and try to find fresh supplements; they tend to lose their potency the longer they sit on the self.

The digestive system is actually a very complex organ that has a finely tuned team of mechanical reactions mixed with chemicals. The team goes into action once food enters the mouth where it mixes with saliva, the food then moves to the stomach where it meets with digesting enzymes and other chemicals. The food mixes with the stomach secretions that are released; the mixture now moves into the small intestine, this is where new team embry enter into the game. The liver and pancreas are now in action do you suffer with embarrasing digestive disorders? break down the complex carbohydrates, fats and protein into sugars, simple fats and amino acids; these are now absorbed by the small intestine. The next team member is the large intestine or colon, the responsibility of this team player is to break down undigested food, fiber and water, as this mixture moves through the colon it is dehydrated by the colon cells becoming solid as it moves and turning into stool.

Let me summarize for you: reduce your stress level, improve your level of beneficial bacteria, consume large quantities of anti-oxidants, and take a natural anti-inflammatory. All of the above will help you to recover from these debilitating and humbling diseases.

The South East Asians have been eating and using a fruit called Mangosteen for centuries to treat all types of aliments. Scientists have been studying the mangosteen fruit for the last 20 years; they are in agreement with the South East Asian people that it heals without side effects. The Mangosteen fruit decreases the level of COX 2 in your body. Mangosteen can aid in the healing process, it helps to ensure that inflammation doesn't turn into chronic inflammation which then leads to chronic disease. How dose Mangosteen do this? One word -Xanthones. Xanthones can only be found in nature. They have been widely studied for their medicinal properties. Xanthones support microbiological balance and sustain the immune system. Xanthones are stable, super charged anti-oxidants. Xanthones are diverse in their abilities to help heal the body; there is a natural anti-inflammatory xanthone within the mangosteen fruit juice. Xanthones can destroy more than one free-radical at a time, unlike normal antioxidants, due to carbon bonds that make them very stable. Each Xanthone performs a specific biological function inside the body unlike regular anti-oxidants. Two hundred xanthones have been identified in nature, 41 are in the Mangosteen fruit alone and you can compare that to the Aloe Vera plant which contains only one xanthone. One thing about xanthones you need to know is they must be consumed in their natural form.

The best solution is a natural food source that inhibits the inflammation and pain problems that are associated with COX 2 without disturbing the COX 1 that is critical in protecting the stomach lining and the bloods ability to clot.

Scientists have also been in a buzz about the amount of antioxidants this fruit contains. The Mangosteen fruit juice has an amazing 25,000 antioxidants. Science has proven that this fruit has the most powerful and the largest number of antioxidants in nature to date. The Mangosteen fruit juice has been providing thousands of people with medicinal benefits.

These diseases, such as inflammatory bowl disease (IBD), crohn's, colitis, etc., have inflammation at the source of their problems. Inflammation is the bodies' response to injury or illness, in the case of these diseases the inflammatory response turns on the bodies' digestive track and actually attacks it. This means it is an auto-immune disease. There are only two areas where your intestinal system can go astray, either your bacteria or your chemistry or it could be both. Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) is a general term used for all the conditions in this class. IBS has no one cause and no one cure.

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